Hi Everyone, These are Useful Input types in HTML. When you write HTML code, the input type with an attribute like text, password, email, number, date… And any detail in W3School.

HTML & CSS Contents:

1. Attribute is “text”

<input type="text">

2. Attribute is “password”

<input type="password">
Input Password:

3. Attribute is “email”

<input type="email">
Input Email:

4. Attribute is “number”

<input type="number">
Input Number:

5. Attribute is “tel”

<input type="tel">

6. Attribute is “search”

<input type="search">

7. Attribute is “button”

<input type="button">

8. Attribute is “submit”

<input type="submit">

9. Attribute is “reset”

<input type="reset">

10. Attribute is “color”

<input type="color">

11. Attribute is “radio”

<input type="radio">


12. Attribute is “checkbox”

<input type="checkbox">

13. Attribute is “file”

<input type="file">

14. Attribute is “image”

<input type="image">

15. Attribute is “range”

<input type="range">

16. Attribute is “url”

<input type="url">

17. Attribute is “hidden”

<input type="hidden">

18. Date & Datetime

<input type="time">
<input type="date">
<input type="datetime-local">
<input type="week">
<input type="month">